Saturday, September 8, 2012

Visiting Dordrecht

         Dordrecht is a small city just 20 minutes South of where we teach. Last weekend we were graciously invited to join one of our co-workers and her family on a tour of the city (Dordrecht) where they live. We also enjoyed a wonderful evening with them, but I just have pictures of our town tour.

Us by the harbor of Dordrecht!

We're still in the tourist stage where we sometimes just take photos of cool looking buildings. 

The City Hall. A wedding was going on outside and another was lined up in the road waiting to take it's turn. Here it is customary to go to the City Hall to be legally married and then a church to be blessed by a pastor. 

The Church of Dordrecht is one that every good Reformed Christian should appreciate because we have them (in part) to thank for hosting the writing of the Canons of Dordt! The Canons weren't written right in the church but the authors got together there to worship before writing. 

Inside the Church of Dordrecht. It has a a beautiful, light interior and two organs; this is the smaller of the two and unfortunately I neglected to take a picture of the larger one. 

The seats of important persons. Made in the 1500's!

This was a gorgeous stain glass window from the early 1900's. It's very ornate and told the story of Creation, Fall, Redemption. I felt that it was fitting for such a Reformed church.

Scenic view the docked boats. Dordrecht is also right along the Maas River. 

Brick, brick, beautiful brick.

Old city gate. The apartments along this road were very modernized, but they retained the old brick and shutters. 

Example of old brick.

Another view of the old gate. 

That tower in the distance is a Dutch water tower, it serves the same purpose as those in the USA, it just looks more quaint while doing it. 

I love the orange roofs. 

And I also love blue roofs.

I just couldn't get enough of these canal views so I thought I'd add another for people who agree with me.

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