Friday, September 7, 2012

Some Rotterdam

Rotterdam's Central Station. Here you can hop on a train, tram, metro or bus and you can be on your way to pretty much anywhere in The Netherlands or on your way to another country if you want to. We don't see this particular angle of it often, but this is the station we take every day to get to work. If you didn't notice, it is under construction ( see the large crane ruining the view?). But construction is supposed to be done by this May! We're excited to see it. But Rotterdam people think it's about time . . . it's been over 2 years.

If you love innovative architecture Rotterdam is a good place to be (notice the wavy white buildings?). And I always appreciate cities that include greenways. 

America Today. Supposedly this is what America is wearing today. Tell me, my fellow Americans, does it look like your wardrobe was put on those mannequins and is now for sale to unsuspecting Europeans? Whatever the case, Europeans seem to think it's cool because it appears to be a pretty popular brand.

The market, or as they say here "markt". I promised photos and here they are. But they do no justice to the market, I had to take them quickly because the crowds are unbelievable and I didn't want to offend vendors by photographing their stalls. 
The stall on the right is selling fish and all sorts of it. It's quite the smell to walk by, even if it is all very fresh. 

1 comment:

  1. The city looks so lovely -- I'm catching just a bit of its aura, and I bet it's both quirky and welcoming.
