Saturday, March 1, 2014

Barcelona Highlights

We took a quick trip to Barcelona, so here is a quick post to give you a glimpse. 

We made a stop in Park Guell:

We were trying not to feed the birds . . . thankfully we were able to finish our lunch before the birds did. 

This is basically the mascot of the park. 

La Sagrada Familia (The Sacred Family) was another important visit:

The magnitude and atmosphere of this light filled cathedral are impossible to capture on camera, but at least the photos give you an idea of the nature inspired architecture. 

La Pedrera or Casa Mila was under construction on the outside, so here is a model of the building: 

And here we are on the rooftop . . .

These strange shapes are functional chimneys, however Gaudi loved to make art out of the mundane articles of the home and these chimneys are a result. 

Another detail Gaudi put in were ergonomic handles for most doors and cabinet handles...

One floor of the building has been preserved as the apartments it once was designed to be. This bathroom looks just fine today, but back in 1912 it was pure luxury. 

And here is proof that we were in Spain.

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